Southern States Wrestling 34th Anniversary

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Book reviews are still coming in

Underrated Book you should check out - Beau James book "Do Ya Want To Be A Wrestler, Kid?" First book from Southern Independent Standpoint and very well done.
Mike Johnson New York City

Been reading Beau James book the last 3 days can't put it down... if you do wanna be a wrestler, are already a wanna be wrestler, play wrestle on the weekends, or have a chalk outline of a hand on on your back, you needa check this out. your wrestling iq will go up substanitally within 20 minutes.
Eric Lewis - Huntington,WV

hello mr.james just put your book down,good read.i read tons of wrestling books jerry lawler,dutch mantel,mick foley,roddy piper,ric flair,chris jericho,brock lesnar,(even golberg) and ddp, i ll put yours right there as one of my top favorites.the book was like my childhood in pages growing up in bulls gap,tn watching usa wrestling,nwa,memphis,icwa,wwf etc,i d forgot much of the history of east tennessee wrestling.i just as you went to the nwa db shows in the 80s to watch boogie,my dad one time surprised me and we got to meet boogie and greg the hammer valentine and i was speechless.every yr for my b day dad got me great american bash tickets in jc,and for a few hours i was on top of the world.In your book you talk about the geenville group and it reminded me i went to one of there shows in the early 90s dont rember a lot i think the ghostriders?and chainz?were top guys i only rember the green van sitting at ringside were seats should be?in your book you talk about apter mags,i used to go with my mom to food city on fri (cause sat was wrestling tvs)i pick out my favorite apter mag and not look at it cause i was buying it look at the other mags and get all the information i can while mom shopped.just hate wrestling today has be come sports entertainment you cant watch a show without the 1st 20 min being in ring talk.southern states,nwa smokey and saw (reno riggins nashville)are all old school wrestling like when it was popular,keep putting out good matches,tv and us old school fans will be here to enjoy.
Chris - Bulls Gap, TN

Beau & I both started in the business in the same time period following the death of the territories. While I'd read his name in magazines, I got to know more about him from a dear friend of both of ours, 'The Duke of New York' Al Getz. I always liked & respected Beau, & after reading his book, my admiration grew. Beau is brutally honest about his faults & failures as well as the reasons for his triumphs. Most books by indy wrestlers & promoters are as 'indyriffic' as the shows they work & run. Beau's is a chronicle of what faith & hard work can do in transforming your life. The story Beau weaves about his marriage to Misty is touching. I laughed so hard I cried about 10 times, usually while reading a Billy Joe Travis story. Reading about his lifestyle in the 90's & early 2000's made me reflect on the lifestyle that so many of my friends have struggled, some unsuccessfully, to change. Beau's philosophies on wrestling & promoting are so close to my own that I cancelled a 'shoot interview' I had planned on doing & told all my friends to read his book. Every indy wrestler or wannabe needs to read this book. It is simultaneously a celebration of a way of life & a warning to not allow that life to consume you, a lesson more people involved in wrestling (including myself) need to learn more often.

Thomas Simpson Union,SC - Thomas is the co-founder with Matt & Jeff Hardy of OMEGA (Organization of Modern Extreme Grappling Arts) & has almost 20 years of experience as a promoter and also is a College Professor at University of South Carolina Union

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