Southern States Wrestling 34th Anniversary

Monday, July 15, 2013

News and updates

*Hope everyone is having a great and safe summer. Since Memorial Day wrestling has taken me to 11 states. The next few weeks will be busy as well. Misty and I  will be wrestling in TN, VA, WV, and NC the next few weeks. If we are in your area come out and see us and say hello.

*Reviews of my second book "It Takes All Kinds" are coming in and people are really enjoying it. If you have not bought yours yet top right hand side of this book.

*I'm not a summer guy I like cold and snow but its MLB All Star week so I'm excited about that. Also means its mid summer and my Cubs will get real hot only to fall apart and break my heart in late August.

*Thanks for all the prayers and well wishes for my Mom as she has been dealing with an health issue. She is looking better every dau and fighting

*Lots of emails about Southern States Wrestling and when SSW will be back in action? We are working on a return this fall. You will read it here first.

*I am very happy to announce that I have a new blog talk radio show starting Weds. July 17 (my birthday) at 6:30 pm The show is being called Do Ya Wanna Be A Wrestler, Kid? Radio. I will be talking southern wrestling past and present each week. you can listen by going to

until we meet again, Jesus Saves
Beau James

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