Southern States Wrestling 34th Anniversary

Thursday, January 7, 2016

POD Cast and radio programs that I"m on this week

This week's Do Ya Wanna Be A Wrestler, Kid? with my guest "The Duke of New York" Al Getz as we talk 90s independent wrestling vs. today

listen here Do Ya Wanna Be A Wrestler, Kid? with Al Getz

I'm on this week's 605 Pod cast with David Bixenspan and Brian Last talking East Tennesse Wrestling History and Ron Wright Stories you can listen here 605pod

I'm on Terry Garvin Simms program this week also

In 2015, we lost some of the biggest stars in the wrestling business - Verne Gagne, Dusty Rhodes, Roddy Piper, Nick Bockwinkle.  We also lost some top regional stars, indy wrestlers, guys who spent their careers oversees, refs, announcers, managers, and backstage crew.  All in all, over 135 people who were connected in some way to the business left us in 2015.

We take some time to remember some of them, with guests Johnny Mantel, Beau James, Del Wilkes, Joel Deaton, Scott Hudson, and Bobby Fulton.

Thanks to the Wrestling Memories Tribute Page on Facebook for their assistance in compiling the list of names, and for the montage used for the show graphic

listen here Wrestling World Domination - In Memorium 2015

Radio program out of Marion, VA
I will be on The Evolve Program this week The interview will air Sat. 7am at  on FM94! and KZ-101.1 FM also on Tuesday afternoon on WEHC 90.7 FM Emory & Henry's campus radio station.

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