Southern States Wrestling Christmas Star Wars

Sunday, April 26, 2020

Beau Knows Wrestling - Bristol Herald Courier Story

Thanks to Allen Gregory for the story on me in Saturday's Bristol Herald Courier Newspaper.

Read the story here Beau Knows Wrestling

I have started a Patreon Podcast

I have started a Patreon Podcast where I'm sharing stories of my life in pro wrestling. I do two podcast a month. Below you will see the info on my first 3 episodes. Episode number 4 will be out this week. I will be doing my first mailbag episode in the month of May where I answer questions from my listeners.

The patreon is only $2.99 a month. Join and listen by clicking here

Episode 1 - The Birth of Southern States Wrestling

In my first patreon podcast we take a look back to what the East Tennessee Independent (outlaw) Wrestling scene was like in the late 80s and early 90s. The differences between the Knoxville area and The Tri Cities. How thing were ran, promoted, and presented.

My experiences with the Pro Wrestling Association and just how bad things could get. The idea of running an event sparks the birth of a promotion. Who was there to help? Who double crossed us? Who do I still 29 years later refuse to have anything to do with? Who has stuck with me for this long strange trip?

The work that went into the first event in probably the worst arena in the country. How that night changed my life for ever. I'm going to take you through the highs and lows of my earliest days in Pro Wrestling.

Episode 2 - Did I Miss Anything?

One this edition I talk about growing up in Pro Wrestling and how it effected my personal and professional life as an adult. I have a few follow up stories from episode 1 covering Jimmy McKeeian, The Tennessee Warrior, and The Longrider. We also talk how jealousy lead to two fist fights and a third fight I still don't know why it happened 30 years later.

Episode 3 - The Gambler

How is living the life of a wrestler like being a Gambler? On this episode I take you through three of the craziest days in my career. My friend Scotty McKeever was right there with me for them . Find out what happens when the police are called to save a promoter in North Carolina. A year and and half later in Ohio the police once again have to get involved and this time it's much different. What happened when Scotty and I wrestled Aladdin the Genie in a small Utah town? Plus stories on Wahoo McDaniel, Chris Walker, and Scott Sterling.

Podcast with me as a guest

Here are a few Podcast that I was a guest on from the last few weeks. Hope you enjoy them.

Scott Bowden's KFR Podcast Vol. 2, Ep. 4: Kings of the Road (with Beau James)
Armed with his trusty King Lawler BabyFace™ Antiviral Mask, Scott Bowden hits the road to Kingsport, Tenn., for a Humongous discussion with area King Beau James. Bowden and James discuss the origins of the Road Warrior Humongous gimmick in Memphis, originating in the mind of Jerry Lawler as Hawk and Animal’s post-apocalyptic pal as the unofficial third member of the treacherous trio, gimmicks based on the “Mad Max” films. Bowden reveals his thoughts on the gimmick as a young fan as well as his interactions years later with the man originally under the hockey mask: his high-school football coach, Mike “the Mule” Stark, a former Memphis State gridiron great and late ’70s-era Memphis grappler. Bowden and James share their knowledge of how the gimmick made its way—sans Stark—to Continental and Ron Fuller’s Stud Stable and how the role was recast. Bowden and James also reminisce about the rib they pulled in Memphis on a USWA hopeful that left one would-be grappler stark naked—and still seething about it years later. All this and more on a Humongous, pandemic-pleasing episode of the KFR Podcast, Vol. 2. Special thanks to Great Scott’s Art Studio for the extra-crispy KFR Bucket in all its glory.

listen KFR with Beau James

This is Scott's last podcast as he unexpectedly passed away last week.

Mark Coale's Winter Place Pod Cast
First off, condolences to the friends and family of Scott Bowden, who died earlier this week.  We had been talking to Scott the last couple weeks about returning to the podcast to talk Memphis wrestling and even were Tweeting with him a few days ago.

     On the show we are finally to nabbed The King of Kingsport Beau James (@kingofkingsport) to be on the show.  We start by remembering Scott, as Beau had just done his Kentucky Fried Rasslin’ podcast not that long ago.  As one of the foremost experts on East Tennessee wrestling, we pick Beau’s brain on all things about the Knoxville/Southeastern/Continental/USA territory, so plenty of stories about Ron and Don Wright, Whitey Caldwell, Les Thatcher, Ron and Robert Fuller,, Jimmy Golden, Ron Garvin and many more folks.  We also talk about Memphis, including the angle (see below) when Robert Fuller brought back Nick Gulas to do an angle about the control of the promotion.  There’s way too many stories to listen here, including Beau’s long friendships with Buddy Landell and Jimmy Valiant, starting in the business at 16 years old, indy wrestling horror stories and so much more. Easily one of my favorites podcasts, as Beau is a master storyteller.

listen Winter Place Podcast w/ Beau James

Randy Hales' Memphis Memories Podcast
Packed Memphis Memories Show this week as Beau James returns to co-host,

We discuss the recent passing of Scott Bowden, we return to the series on Studio Wrestling Most Memorable Moments including early Lawler vs Dundee, Terry Funk calling Jim Cornette a sissy, The Jimmy Hart Era, The Dream Machine, The Greatness of Lance and Dave, Joe Leduc Cutting his arm with a AX, Kimala Debut on TV, Dundee vs Lawler Loser Leaves Town Hype Show, Tojo Painted Yellow, Landel and Dundee beats up referee Jeff Jarrett and Lawler Returns, Randy Savage Debuts in Studio, Monday Night Memories Hype Show and the return of Lance Russell, SMW Invades USWA, Jeff Jarrett Returns In a Box and More Memories,

Randy talks to Beau about the very last Power Pro Show and tells the true story for the first time why Power Pro went away with details on last show.

This is a cant miss show!

listen Memphis Memories with Beau James

Latest S.S.W. episodes and AMW special on Me

Please subscribe to the S.S.W. YouTube channel S.S.W. YouTube

March S.S.W. episodes

Please subscribe to The Official S.S.W. YouTube to keep up with new episodes S.S.W. YouTube Channel